What is the Community Integrated Employment Program?
PPCH’s Community-Integrated Employment program connects individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities with skills training and paid employment. Meaningful employment provides our clients with a measure of financial independence, fosters self-confidence, and strengthens one’s sense of belonging within the community. Work also provides opportunities for social interaction, enhanced communication skills, and the development of natural support networks.
What is offered under the CIE Program?
Current program offerings include:
What services does CIE offer employers?
Our program provides employee recruitment, training, and retention solutions to many satisfied businesses in the Denver metro area, at no cost to the employer. We specialize in working with people with disabilities, an underemployed segment of the workforce. Each job-seeker is carefully assessed to determine their individual strengths and job aptitudes, and we match the job-seeker’s abilities to each company’s employment force needs.
PPCH will work with your business to train all candidates in the necessary duties of the position. This type of assistance is called “supported employment,” and is provided at no charge to the employing business.