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Supported Living Services

What is the Supported Living Services (SLS) Program?

The SLS program allows our intellectually and/or developmentally disabled clients to live in a setting of their choosing while receiving individualized supports from PPCH staff. Staff may assist with activities like grocery shopping, money management, self-advocacy development, household maintenance, socialization opportunities, and more.

Individualized supports include:

Personal Care: Personal Care services support daily tasks that individuals may struggle to complete on their own, including skin/nail/hair/mouth care, bathing/dressing, eating, mobility support, and toileting and respiratory care. This service may also include assistance with grocery shopping, attending appointments, and other homemaker services.

Basic Homemaker: Homemaker services are intended to provide help with household tasks, maintaining a safe and healthy home for eligible members when their usual caregiver is unavailable. These services focus on member support and aim to enhance a caregiver’s ability to care for their family member. Services may include light cleaning, meal preparation, dishwashing, bed-making, laundry, shopping, and more.

Enhanced Homemaker: Enhanced Homemaker builds on the foundation of the Basic Homemaker service by teaching home maintenance skills to the member in order to promote independence, with the goal of reducing the need for assistance within 90 days.

Supported Community Connections: Supported Community Connections services help individuals to participate in community activities like education, training, volunteering, and retirement activities. These services foster relationship-building and community support.

Respite: Respite services offer short-term relief for caregivers and are available in various settings to meet each member’s needs.

Mentorship: Mentorship services promote self-advocacy through instruction, modeling, and advice. Mentors assist in interviewing potential providers, understanding health and safety issues, and participating in advisory roles. Training in child and infant care is also included for parents with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.

SLS Experiences

(video or photos needed)


David Glantz

David Glantz,
Director of Children & Family Services

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