Host Homes
Supportive residential services for individuals in a family-type setting
PPCH’s host home program is designed to provide people receiving comprehensive services an opportunity to live in a home and community of their choosing, and to share their lives with others. The goal is to help individuals create the life they want to live by creating a strong foundation. One key to individual success in a host home is finding the right home and provider match for the individual. PPCH supports individuals and families to identify their key interests and values so that we can ensure we are introducing individuals to partnerships that will create possibilities. We understand that we are all unique individuals with a wide degree of interests and desired activity levels and what is paradise to one may be unappealing to another. The right match must be person-centered and provide opportunities for meaningful connections. Our goal is to help you get where you want to go, and, to help you along that path, we believe the right provider is a key to success.
PPCH’s host homes are located throughout the Denver-metro area. PPCH excels in creating wrap around supports to ensure that individuals with all needs, preferences and abilities get opportunities to live the lives they want. We love to partner with individuals, families and providers to find creative solutions to meet individual needs in the community. Over the years these specialized services have enabled us to provide the best medical, behavioral and high risk supports in host homes in Colorado.
PPCH’s host home providers are contractors of PPCH that undergo thorough background screening and training to ensure exceptional, person-centered care.
If you are interested in becoming a Host Home Provider, please submit a Host Home Provider general application in our Career Center.
For more information regarding Host Homes, please contact:
Abbey Acosta, Director of Host Homes
Kyle Hammond, Director of Host and Companion Model Homes
Take a peek inside a PPCH Host Home
Parker Personal Care Homes
Lakewood • Aurora • Boulder
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