Children and Family Services

Family Caregiver

PPCH offers a variety of residential settings including Family Caregiver, which supports people with disabilities to remain in their family home and receive services from a paid family member!

Children’s Extensive Supports

Our CES department at PPCH provides intensive in-home support to children and their families which allows the child to remain in the family home while providing relief and support to their caregivers. Our staff are trained in developmental disabilities, and behavioral interventions in order to meet the needs of the children we serve. We also have a CES specific nurse to ensure staff supporting youth with medical needs are appropriately prepared and comfortable to provide necessary supports.



Supported Living Services

Our SLS Program allows our customers (adults with developmental disabilities aged 21 years old or older ) to live in a setting of their choosing while receiving any of the following individualized supports from staff: Personal Care, Enhanced Homemaker, Supported Community Connections, Respite or Mentorship.

Parker Personal Care Homes logo with a house outline and a heart in the middle.

Parker Personal Care Homes
Lakewood • Aurora • Boulder

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